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The world of Data Science heavily uses Python and Python libraries such as NumPy and Pandas. While Python is a great platform, it does have some drawbacks – one of which is performance. As Java developers, we enjoy the familiarity of the JVM and the constellation of tools and libraries available for this high-performance platform.
In this session, Pratik will introduce you to Data Science using the popular Kotlin language that runs on the JVM. We’ll do this using an interactive platform called Apache Zeppelin. Similar to Jupyter Notebooks, Zeppelin allows you to write code, format text, and use a myriad of plugins to process, analyze, and display data. With its integration with Spark, you can also prototype and develop solutions for Big Data in a fun and interactive way!


Pratik Patel
VP Developer Advocacy at Azul

Pratik is a Java Champion and Developer Advocate at Azul Systems. He has extensive experience leading teams, building products, building software, and building startup companies. He has worked as a developer, lead architect, and CTO in his career. He has published several books on Java technology & software development and is a master builder of nachos. LinkedIn:


A N M Bazlur Rahman

Abdullah Al Mamun Oronno

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